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Next generation insight for Aged Care services providers

Your Data • Online • Realtime • Mobile • Customised • Affordable: no capital expenditure!

About SectorFirst

SectorFirst seamlessly integrates your operational data into our industry-relevant dashboards for rapid time-to-value decision making, without the need to change or replace any of your existing systems and processes.


Decision makers in the Australia's Community Services Sector operate in an extremely complex environment.  Balancing customer outcomes with business processes requires real-time insights into your day-to-day operations. SectorFirst is a platform that addresses your current and future decision making requirements by taking your accumulated data and providing industry specific insights and benchmark comparisons.


Why SectorFirst?


The aged-care sector has faced a tumultuous journey through the pandemic. The speed and criticality of decision making has never been greater across all layers of the organisation. Now, changes to funding models, heightening client expectations, and the need to achieve operating sustainability mean executive teams continue to seek an evidentiary basis and tangible insight to inform their decision making. People are the beating heart of your organisation, and data is becoming the lifeblood of the sector. The need to accelerate a data and insights capability is now essential for providers across the sector.


What is SectorFirst?


Fundamentally, it's an application that runs in your web browser. SectorFirst is able to bring all your data together wherever you are on your data journey, and produce really valuable insights quickly, but more important than the technology is how it's put to use. SectorFirst makes puts your data at your finger-tips, data like; which of your facilities are operating at a surplus, which are relying on expensive contractors rather than permanent staff, which facilities use the most overtime, where is bed utilisation the lowest, where are missed shifts a problem? All that information is available at your finger-tips, continually updated, in dashboards on your computer or mobile device.


Why is SectorFirst different?


Business intelligence tools have been around for a while. They require implementation via costly, capital intensive IT projects. SectorFirst operates a different model, no capital expenditure, no expensive software purchases, no hiring tech-boffins, no cookie-cutter reporting. SectorFirst offers a lot more than just dashboards, we've enriched the platform with what we call sector intelligence. These are widgets that you can drag into your dashboards that might be open data resources or benchmarks, where Blue Bike have curated those resources and made them available for you.


How is SectorFirst used?


SectorFirst is platform built in a way to be used by everyone from facility managers and support coordinators day-to-day, through to regional managers, through to state and executives, and right up to boards who can actually get insights about the same data from the same place at the same time, and really start making decisions from a common base, but also make it a part of your everyday habits, to be looking at data, drawing analyses out from that, interpreting it, and taking actions. The platform's been built in a way to encourage people who may not be familiar with looking at data to see help boxes and how-to guides, little information areas of text that help guide the person looking at the dashboards to understand: "What am I looking at?", "Why does it matter", and "What should I do with this information?"


Who is using SectorFirst?


At Blue Bike, we've already built SectorFirst modules for residential aged care, in-home care, NDIS settings, quality and safety, and clinical settings, with more to come. All of those dashboards roll up to a board-level summary so that board members can get real-time clear insights, but just at the right level so that they can be informed and understand more often than just on a monthly basis when they see a board report. Our goal is to build the smartest, fastest, most affordable business intelligence solution for the sector.


How about security and privacy?


SectorFirst is hosted and managed by Blue Bike, and lives in Amazon's data centres in Sydney where it's all securely controlled and governed, and none of the data leaves Australia. We connect to live data securely, whether that's in spreadsheets, or databases, or software as a service platforms in the cloud. SectorFirst meets your data compliance regulation and legislative needs.

Let's talk

We're keen to help and would love to hear from you.

Thanks, we'll be in touch soon!

P.O. Box 1372

Camberwell 3124


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